In a weekly chat with readers, Lovu Guru shares relationship advice and offers solutions.
Leander Paes and Mahesh Bhupath split but the performances of the youth inspired hope once again.
In a post 26/11 world, Indian and Pakistani youth attempt to build bridges of understanding over troubled waters. Matthew Schneeberger reports.
Harman Baweja's debut film Love Story 2050 is predictable, boring and a terrible waste of time. Avoid at all costs.
Three readers share why the rains hold a special place in their hearts.
In tough times such as the present, what is wrong if Sex and the City lets women dream a little, imagine a world with earthly pleasures of shoes and expensive designer name dresses? Nobody questions Steven Spielberg when he sends Indiana Jones on a long, ridiculous journey looking for a crystal skull. So why cannot women aspire to buy a pair of Manolo Blahnik, even at a price tag of $525?
Heartbroken? Had a fight? Want to propose? Love Guru is here to help.
Colonel (retd) Anil Athale says a crackdown on eve teasing, stringent punishment and quick justice can go a long way in preventing crimes against women.
It is the 'tolerance' of eve teasing and harassment of women that is the start point of 'social rapes', points out Colonel Anil Athale
'What of Modi? They are willing to take their chances. Maharashtra's Muslims recall how the Congress scared them with the Bal Thackeray bogey for decades, yet, when it came to using all the might of the State to protect them from Shiv Sena goons, be it in 1970, 1984 or 1992-1993, it did nothing. For them, the Congress's secularism is a cruel joke.' 'This argument that we ('seculars') must vote for the 'winning secular candidate' has one more implication: Those who are against Hindutva must forever be stuck with the same corrupt, cynical and tired old parties, who are not even secular,' says Jyoti Punwani.
This musical traipses through the Beatles songbook and finds blissful innocence.
Eastern Promises, David Cronenberg's latest film, depending on which way you look at it, is either a horrifyingly cool exposition of the uncaring value system in a modern day mafia family or a devastating thriller with internalised ramifications for all us 'ordinary' people.
Bilawal Bhutto's political inheritance is his biggest asset as well as the biggest liability as he tries to make his mark in Pakistan politics. Challenging the Taliban militants is part of that strategy, though it matches with his political ideology. Shahzad Raza profiles the son of Benazir Bhutto and Asif Ali Zardari.
Three readers share why the rains hold a special place in their hearts.
In our continuing series, GA readers share their favourite monsoon memories.
The major reason Indian television winds on forever is that shows are built around a set-up instead of an actual plot.
Beckham is a marketing man's dream. His moves are carefully orchestrated, writes V Krishnaswamy.
'Think of all the school children saddled with books, voracious readers with huge appetites for current best sellers and so on, and you can see the potential one day in India,' says B S Prakash.
Three readers send in their most memorable rainy day memories.
Shreya Sen, a survivor of the horrific Gyneshwari train mishap, has not let that traumatic incident rob her of her passion for life or her charming smile, discovers Sanchari Bhattacharya.
Barack H Obama was on Monday sworn-in as President of the United States for a second term. Here's the transcript of the speech he gave at Capitol Hill shortly after the swearing-in ceremony
P Banerjee, former US student, describes life abroad. She discusses academics, roommates and staying healthy at your US university.
Four readers write in with tales of broken hearts, broken promises and broken marriages.
Three readers share why the rains hold a special place in their hearts.